Air Operations: (No. 460 Squadron Lancaster aircraft LM531), France, 4 May 1944

Other attacks designed to cripple German potential in subsequent battles (following the D-Day landings) were, however, in progress at the same time, and during May Bomber Command made heavy attacks on two of the largest German military camps in western Europe. Thus on 3rd-4th May 338 heavy bombers, including 17 from No. 460, 12 from No. 463 and 10 from No. 467 raided Mailly-le-Camp, a tank depot and park then housing considerable elements of the 21st Panzer Division, the main training centre in France for German armoured units. To ensure good results, a calculated risk was taken in dispatching this force in good visibility and bright moonlight. The Luftwaffe reacted promptly, and in very heavy engagements 42 bombers, including seven (1) from the RAAF squadrons were shot down. The bombing from between 5,000 to 8,000 feet was very efficient, however, and the damage inflicted was on a tremendous scale. In one section of the camp, out of 47 buildings housing the transport section and barracks, 34 were totally destroyed and the others severely damaged, while in another large group of barrack buildings almost all were heavily hit. The report of the commander of the 21st Panzer Division stated:

The main concentration was accurately aimed at the most important permanent buildings, the ammunition stores and an anti-aircraft battery . . . in that part of the camp which was destroyed, concentration of bombs was so great that not only did the splinter proof trenches receive direct hits, but even the bombs which missed choked them up and caused the sides to cave in . . . .

(1) Eight Lancaster aircraft from RAAF Squadrons were lost on 4 May 1944, but No. 460 Squadron Lancaster ND860 was crewed by members of No. 101 Squadron (RAF) who were from the RAFVR.

Extract from Herington, J. (John) (406545) Air War Over Europe 1944-1945, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1963 – Page 37

Lancaster LM531 took off from RAF Binbrook at 2200 hours on the night of 3/4th May 1944 to bomb military installations at Mailley-Le-Camp, France. Nothing was heard from the aircraft after take off and it failed to return to base. Seventeen aircraft from the squadron took part in the mission and six of these failed to return. Post war it was established that the aircraft was shot down by an FW190 during a wait for bombing instructions, and crashed at 0025 hours on 4th May 1944 into a courtyard adjoining 15 Rue Porte Muree, Chalons-Sur-Champagne, France. Four crew members were killed and three evaded capture.

The crew members of LM531 were:

Sergeant Joseph Chandler (1896632) (RAFVR) (Rear Gunner)
Warrant Officer George Kenneth Gritty (1375424) (RAFVR) (Pilot)
Sergeant B Morgan (1890108) (RAFVR) (Mid Upper Gunner) Evaded capture
Sergeant J Orbin (1066587) (RAFVR) (Navigator) Evaded capture
Sergeant Stanley Roland Russell (1520931) (RAFVR) (Wireless Operator Air)
Sergeant Lionel Robert Vale (1836576) (RAFVR) (Flight Engineer)
Sergeant L H Williams (1396975) (RAFVR) (Bomb Aimer) Evaded capture

Warrant Officer Gritty, Sergeant Vale, Sergeant Russell and Sergeant Chandler are buried at the Chalons-en-Champagne East Communal Cemetery, Marne, France

No. 460 Squadron lost Lancaster ME740 (Flight Sergeant Herbert James George Fry (416945) (Pilot)) on 4 May 1944.

No. 460 Squadron lost Lancaster ND630 (Pilot Officer Joseph William Smart (409760) (Pilot)) on 4 May 1944.

No. 460 Squadron lost Lancaster ME728 (Pilot Officer Norman David Livingstone Lloyd (414050) (Pilot)) on 4 May 1944.

No. 460 Squadron lost Lancaster JB741 (Flying Officer Francis William Baker (54076) (RAF) (Pilot)) on 4 May 1944.

No. 460 Squadron lost Lancaster ND860 (Flight Lieutenant William Edgar Hull (125522) (RAFVR) (Pilot)) on 4 May 1944.

No. 463 Squadron lost Lancaster LM439 (Flying Officer Graham Fryer (420654) (Pilot)) on 4 May 1944.

No. 467 Squadron lost Lancaster JA901 (Pilot Officer Colin Dickson (422038) (Pilot)) on 4 May 1944.


Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour On-Line Records (RAAF Casualty Information compiled by Alan Storr (409804))
Commonwealth War Graves Commission On-Line Records
Department of Veteran’s Affairs On-Line WWII Nominal Roll


Firkins, P. C. (Peter Charles) (441386) Strike and Return, Westward Ho Publishing City Beach WA, 1985

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